Sobre nosotros
Nuestra misión
"¡Proporcionando esperanza hasta que encontremos una cura!"
After Hours Project, Inc. (AHP) is a community-based harm reduction program that, since May 2002, has addressed the continued spread of HIV/AIDS in predominantly low income and minority neighborhoods. AHP’s founders and staff live and work in Bushwick, Bedford-Stuyvesant, East New York and Brownsville, Brooklyn and Ridgewood, Queens.
AHP provides participants – primarily people who use drugs, sex workers and homeless people who have little or no regular contact with linkage to service providers – with a variety of health and social services, including syringe access, case management and HIV counseling and testing after the traditional “9-5” working hours.
AHP practices a street-based mobile and storefront approach that combines evidence-based models of service delivery with mobility, discreetness and personal attention: effective methods for reaching people at the highest risk for HIV/AIDS. AHP adheres to a non-judgmental and non-coercive approach in providing services. AHP staff is successful because they are culturally and ethnically sensitive, linguistically competent and invested in the neighborhood they serve.