
Componente de asesoramiento y pruebas del VIH

AHP’s Impact on Community Health

Since its inception, AHP has conducted over 65,000 HIV tests. Each year, our syringe service program serves approximately 10,000 individuals, and thousands of individuals receive ongoing case management services.

AHP focuses on individuals at high risk of HIV, hepatitis C virus (HCV), or sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including people who use substances, sex workers, men who have sex with men, individuals from high-risk Latino/African-American communities, immigrants, and homeless individuals.

Individuals who test positive for HIV, HCV, or STIs are immediately referred to one of our many hospital or Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) clinic partners in Brooklyn and Queens for primary or specialty care.

Mariline.Jasmine.Elena ..Gil alcance 1

Población destinataria

Ruben.. Tony alcance 1

Serving Underserved Populations

AHP targets individuals living with HIV/AIDS who are uninsured, Medicaid-ineligible, or out of care. We prioritize immigrants, both naturalized citizens and undocumented individuals, and provide services in Brooklyn and Queens, New York City.

Our service area and target population were selected due to the high rates of inadequate healthcare access among individuals living with HIV/AIDS.

Housing insecurities, language barriers, navigating the healthcare system, and social stigma related to HIV can further hinder access to care for our target population.

El Consejo de Administración


Doctor Richard Curtis


Roberto López


Doctora Zulema Blair


Bibiana Soto, Máster en Administración de Empresas 


Fernando Soto, ED

Nuestros financiadores

AHP recibe financiación diversa de:

Nuestros socios

AHP colabora eficazmente con:

Centro de Salud de Betances

La Nueva Esperanza

Atención urgente AG

Centro de Salud Familiar de Broadway

Centro Médico Woodhull

Centro Médico Wyckoff